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Review - Remembrance (A Mediator Novel) by Meg Cabot

When I think back on the books that really held my attention as a teenager, the books I just couldn’t put down no matter what was going on, of course I think back to Harry Potter, Stephanie Meyer, C.S. Lewis…and then there was Meg Cabot (or Jenny Carroll as her pen-name happened to be at the time).

Of course if you’ve read my Throwback Book Thursday series, you’ll see that the very first Throwback Thursday was dedicated to Meg Cabot’s Mediator series.  I find that I cannot sing the praises of this series enough.  Reading through each book is like rediscovering it over and over again for the first time.  It’s one of those series that really sticks with you no matter what.  You’ll remember where you were the first time you picked up that first book and you’ll carry that memory with you for life.  The Mediator series is definitely like that for me.

Okay…enough of that.  Now down to the main point to this review!  Remembrance!  Holy cow…what a book!  To be honest, I was expecting a good novel.  One that would make me smile and think of the characters in fond memories.  Sure it might not have been in the tone of how it was when I first started reading the series but…I’m a devoted fan and of course I was going to run out and pick this book up as soon as it hit stores.

Oh how wrong I was.  Remembrance is a fantastic addition to the Mediator series.  In this book, Suze has really grown up and developed more of her mediator powers.  In case you aren’t aware, a mediator is someone who mediates ghosts to their final resting places.  You know, they go around and help do all the unfinished business so that the “NCDP” (or Non-Compliant Deceased Person as Suze likes to go around calling them), can finally move on and part from this world.  Of course Susannah is still having to deal with said NCDP’s…and quite frequently in fact.  She’s also now working for her old high school and striving to be a part of the psychological medicine field.  Which goes hand in hand with her fiancĂ©’s line of work. 

Jesse de Silva…mmm…what a man!  Breaking girls hearts since the 1800’s.  Well…except Suze’s of course.  No he is completely and totally dedicated to her ever since she technically saved his life way back when.  Haven’t read the series yet?  Then I can’t tell you the exact details of what happened!  I will tell you though; Jesse and Suze have literally gone through hell and back to be with one another.  Add to that the fact that Paul Slater (A.K.A. Suze’s own personal stalker), has been known to try and kill off Jesse a time or two and you have the makings for a great novel…since Paul is back and all. 

It was nice to see Jesse let loose a little too.  Being that he was born in the 1800’s he was kind of stiff regarding the whole relationship thing and protecting Suze’s…virtue…but times they are a-changing! 

That’s another key fact to mention regarding this book.  While the previous novels in the series were all basically YA, this new installment is definitely not.  Meg Cabot took things to a whole other level with her writing and brought Suze and Jesse to us in the high definition glory of adult literature.  How glorious it is!!  J

All in all I truly loved this novel.  I can’t tell you all the inner workings of it, but I will say that there are some twists and turns that will leave your head spinning!  The thing with Debbie and Brad???!!  Those of you who have read this book will know exactly what I’m talking about!! 

All in all I gave this book a surprising…5 out of 5 stars on GoodReads and I can only hope that Meg Cabot will grace us with another novel in the series soon.  If not though, I think I’m content.  This series could continue forever and I would be perfectly happy with that but…if it ends now, my heart is happy.

Happy Reading! J

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